The paintwork was named "Wrong Choice" which is a set of hidden subtexts and ideas.

The artist was inspired by a man who chooses success and a career. To experience feelings, emotions, and affection is a luxury he cannot afford.

The central figure of the painting is a scale made with real gold. One side of the scale shows a brain enveloped in gold flake, symbolizing the power of reason and material wealth to which rational decisions lead. On the other side of the scale is a heart that outweighs the scale, even though there is no gold.

The artist of this painting tries to show the viewer that feelings carry much more weight than any material goods. The human soul always chooses in favor of the heart. However, the character depicted in the painting with the gun in his hand, who is given the opportunity to make his choice, is aiming specifically at the heart. This man, as we can see, needs to destroy his emotions, which evolves him to become heartless to pursue his career goals.

The eye (soul) in the background is depicted as crying blood, which means that this choice has killed her (soul). The heart is positioned in such a way that the viewer can also mistake it for a tear. The soul weeps its heart out. The red stain in the background symbolizes the blood splatter from the shot, letting us know that the choice has already been made although in the illustration the character is only aiming.